If you would have asked me a year ago if I'd be homeschooling, I'd give you a big HECK NO!! It was something I secretly have always wanted to do, but never had a real "reason" to pull the kids from school. My big chance came strolling along this year and I took it! Took it and ran with it! So here we are.
The decision to homeschool wasn't a quick one to make. I contemplated for over six months thinking A) Can I do this? B) I don't even have a college degree, am I qualified to teach my children? I often found myself thinking...okay..WE'RE HOMESCHOOLING!!!!! Now what?? Where do I begin? What about socialization? What are the homeschooling laws in Hawaii? The questions go on and on. Curriculum was the last thing on my mind. After six months of praying, soul searching, and tons of research, I found the answers to all my questions. I have to admit, I'm a bit nervous, but I'm putting all my faith and trust in the Lord and plunging in head first!
I won't sit here and tell you all the reasons why we decided to homeschool (I'll save that for another day), but I hope you will see my passion through this window into our life I'd like to call a blog and how much our lives have changed significantly since making the decision to homeschool. We have not only grown closer as a family, but we have taken the first step (step one is actually making the decision...next step? Wait for payday!) to improve our health by changing what we eat by cutting out all artificial food dyes, shopping only the perimeter of the grocery store, absolutely NO fast food (we've started this already), and eventually take the step to all organics. For the first time ever, I have started to prep meals with a meal plan. I also see major changes as I'm going though a complete attitude overhaul on my end (as the parent and soon-to-be teacher). I can thank God first, and homeschooling second for all of these positive transitions about to take place in our lives.
I hope to be able to share with you our joys, struggles, and achievements (and recipes) in not only homeschooling, but in all aspects of life. I hope to reach out to other homeschooling families and be a support system to those who are just beginning like me. I hope to answer your questions, calm your nerves, and maybe even open your eyes to a different lifestyle than society is used to. Most of all, I hope to show you the passion that drives me to be the best wife/mom/teacher/friend/listener I can possibly be. I invite you to share in our journey: The first year of our new life :)
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