Saturday, August 24, 2013

Line Art Project

We had our first art class yesterday. I ordered the Atelier Art Program for our oldest and after browsing through it, I'm not that thrilled about it. The projects are decent, but the execution I just don't feel it goes along with my children's interests. So what I've planned to do is take the projects and create my own lesson out of it instead of the "word by word" plan in the curriculum. 

Our first art project was about lines. We discussed what they are, a few of the different kinds of lines there are, and where can we find these lines. The lines we discussed were zigzag (or sharks teeth as Brud calls it), straight, wavy (like the ocean), curved zigzag (like the back of a crocodile-we made the name up though lol), and curly ("like our hair" says Big Sis).

I had them draw these lines with crayon on a piece of construction paper. The kids LOVE painting, so we used watercolor in between the lines-changing colors after each line. They were amazed to see the paint separate from the crayons! We also had a mini-lesson in watercolor. We observed how you could "play" with the depth of color-making it lighter with more water, and darker with less water. I didn't realize how much you could learn from just this lesson alone!

Brud with his watercolors

Big Sis with her watercolors

Here's the finished product of our "Line Art Project."

He was so happy to finish it!! 

She drew so many lines, it took her two attempts to finish. But here it is :)

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