Thursday, August 22, 2013

Teacher's Supply List 2013-2014

I wanted to make a post to share with all of you how I organize my supplies (and quite possibly my life). I'm one of those people who need a list for everything and NEED organization in my life. Without these lovely drawers, notebooks, colorful pens (to color-code, of course!) to name a few, I'd be lost. If I show up at Wal-Mart without my list, I might as well walk back out empty handed...or leave with a cart full of stuff I thought I needed, but really didn't.

Here's a snapshot of my (messy) desk supply drawer:

I have to say that I use these Papermate InkJoy Ball Point Pens colored pens Honestly, it was the colors that did me in. They were exactly what I was looking for at a price I was more than comfortable with. Target had these babies on sale for $3. The link that I posted shows them now for only $3.89. It is worth every penny. They write so smoothly and effortlessly! 

I also use the post-it notes for my school planner. Refer to my previous post (Unexpected Trip to the ER) to learn about the revolutionary post it planner!!!! I have an update if you scroll a little ways down on this post.

And the (messy) bottom drawer:

Here, I have extra supplies, paper clips, fasteners, velcro dots, push pins, etc. The black book sleeve you see there is one of my dearest possessions. It's a German bible from the 1800s. I recently lost my Oma this past March. She gave it to me. Oma was one of the most important women in my life. I always like to keep her near me.

I'd also like to share the way I set up my binder and folders. I had the kids choose their favorite color and assigned them each a folder (the purple and blue ones are theirs). My desk is off limits to the lil ones, so when they draw me a picture or do something for daddy, instead of leaving a huge mess of papers all over, I file them in their designated folder. GENIUS!! 

My orange binder is where I keep the important stuff....

This is our library list from Confession's of a Homeschooler's Letter of the Week (LOTW) Curriculum. We go to the library every Saturday and choose our books that we need. We also stay for a little free arts and crafts time for our oldest.

I make a section for each child. In each section, I put the paperwork for their Daily Learning Notebook and any extra papers for their curricula.

Here's our son's Letter of the Week Curriculum.

Last, but not least, is our packing slips. These are important to hang on to because if you don't receive an item, or for any reason need to return curricula, you have everything right here.


I've decided to make a list of school supplies that I couldn't live without. Everyone is different, but these just really make my life SO.MUCH.EASIER. I use them pretty much daily and if I didn't have them, I'd probably have given up at some point. Okay, that's a little dramatic, but I REALLY need them lol!!

Teacher's School Supplies

Besides the usual pens, pencils, etc....

Laminator- I use a Scotch Thermal Laminator TL901 This is a lifesaver because I can't imagine spending the money on driving down to Office Max and laminating everything I needed. Plus, I just don't want to wait. Town is 30 minutes away!

Laminating Sheets- I find these the cheapest on

Printer- I have a HP Deskjet 1000. Once this thing breaks, I wont be getting another one. This one uses sooo much ink. I am looking into a laser, but I do a lot of color print, too. If anyone wants to give me tips on printers, I'd love to hear it!

Whiteboard- Seriously, check craigslist for this option before going out and buying one. I purchased a 5ftx7ft whiteboard for $45! Thank you, craigslist!! Another option is to go to Home Depot and buy the board material (not sure of what it's called, but if you pinterest it or google it, you'll find it!) and it's very cheap to do.

Corkboard- I love, love, love the extra cork space in our room. Our kids do a lot of artwork, crafts, and projects and now we have a place for them! My whole back wall in our classroom is lined with corkboards!

Timer- Yes, I just said a timer. I set this guy up when I need something to be done quick, and it works every time. Beat the clock!! My kids know exactly what to do when they hear me say I'm taking out the timer. It works with cleaning, a quick pick up, and free time. They can always look at how much time is left on the clock and really gets their butts in gear. For a fun time, hide the clock so they can't view it. I bet you they work twice as fast!!

Planner- Ahhh the post-it planner. I hope you've all got a chance to see how I set mine up. And here's how it turned out...


These are the things I use on the daily. I love the convenience of my glue gun, but that's not used as much as my can't-live-without supplies. I would like to say that I am in no way affiliated with the companies of any particular item that I've posted. I am love. When I really like something, I want everyone to try it to see if they like it, too. So forgive me if I sounded like I was selling anything :) After all, I loved my job in jewelry sales before I became a SAHM!! Enjoy!!

Any questions or comments, leave them below :) I'd love to hear from you!


  1. Your post reminded me of Carol Dweck and her book called Mindset.

    And when I went to google her I got this:

    That clamming up after the wrong answer is a mindset issue that Dweck claims to be able to correct.

    This is khadijavye from APA. :)

    1. Thank you for posting this! I will check it out. Thank you for visiting my blog. I hope you enjoyed it!
