Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Our First Day of HOMESCHOOL!!!

I'm one of those people who will start to prepare weeks, if not months, ahead of an event just to be SURE I am prepared for anything and everything...for those of you who know my dad, yep, that's where I get it from. No matter how much preparation, no matter how much time I spent planning, crafting, thinking, writing...nothing could prepare me for the night before the first day. I can't blame it on nerves, I don't think I was nervous. I was....not satisfied with what I had been planning for the weeks and months prior to this very moment. Go figure. So (in my scratch notebook of course), I scratch out pretty much everything I had planned for the first day and redid it. "Mrs. Prepared" felt like a freshman in high school who was about to take her first exam without studying. Anyway, after redoing everything, putting up my Ten Commandments poster that I had received from Amazon that very day, and figuring out that I was MISSING an entire section in my Language Arts curriculum (Sing, Spell, Read, and Write), I finally finished. I managed to clean my entire house looking for the lost section and ended up finding it in the kid's room closet. How it got there, I have no idea. But the main thing was I found it.

We woke up at 7am, had the kid's favorite breakfast, banana pancakes with some orange slices and bananas with almond milk. Then it was picture time!!

Tear, tear!!!

After our pictures were done, we went inside to start our lessons. We started Page 1 of our Handprint Art Book. Each month we are going to be doing a handprint art page. Today was an About Me Handprint Page. At the end of the school year, we are going to laminate and bind the pages and make a book. Hopefully, I am able to make color copies and send them to the grandma's, nana's, papa's, great Opa, and great grandpa. 

This was the kid's favorite part of the activity. And of course, they didn't want me to type anything. Our big girl wanted to "write everything because I can do it myself, mom..." I'm so proud of her eagerness. 

Page One of Dallas' Art Book

Page Two of Damon's Art Book

Busy bees working on their Daily Learning Notebooks.

In the meantime, our youngest was having a very serious phone conversation with her Daddy....

I am so happy and feel so blessed to be able to homeschool my children. It's definitely not for everyone, but I love being with my children 24/7. I love being their mom, their teacher, their best friend. I love sharing in just about every memory they have. I love that one day when they grow up and have kids of their own, through them, they will remember their life growing up and hopefully cherish the memories we make together forever.

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